Sunday, January 25, 2015

5 Clever Things Written About Social Media

Forget those annoying quotes found on Pinterest, read these five clever things written about social media. via Social Media Distraction blog

Forget about those pretty quote images you find on Pinterest about social media. That ubiquitous fluff was written by people who've spent more time peddling books about social media than actually working in it. Some of the best social media quotes come straight from mainstream media and blogs. 
If you want to make a techie subject interesting to the general public, you've got to have a good line. Check out some of my favorite recent words:

#1 - "Face it, ladies: your DIY projects rarely turn out like the ones you see on Pinterest, and your Facebook posts aren't universally "liked." But a new survey suggests that despite such woes, social networking is still good for you." ― Elizabeth Palermo

#2 -  "Social media started out as a friend. How could you argue with names like Friendster, Facebook and Foursquare? They are all about connecting with people. Then, like the neighbor's dog that suddenly snarls, social media did an about-face. Now it is a tool for terrorists..." ― Stephen Kimatian
#3 - "Facebook is a big factory of envy. It's kind of related to fashion magazines, in the overwhelming visual display of lives, homes, clothes, and possessions." ― Gabriela Bustelo

#4 - "Direct from the Vatican: Put down that cell phone! Back away from the Twitter feed! Pope Francis admonished his flock to forego social media in favor of having a real conversation, in person, with loved ones."―   Deborah Hastings

 What toddler mom wouldn't have time to print
and trim dozens of photos of her wee one
for a 1st birthday party?  (via Catch My Party)
#5 - "We are comparing ourselves to a voted-in popularity contest of the best of the web. Don't get me wrong. I love Pinterest. But not at the expense of mental health. We are not websites. We do not have teams of stylists in our everyday life. We are humans — mothers — trying to do the best we can." ― Katie Dohman

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